
2024-09-15 08:19:54 神评论


《Shikhondo: Youkai Rampage》


? 游戏介绍 ?? 延续经典枪战游戏的传统!独特而迷人的主角,具有超凡设计的诸多头目,以及一波又一波的敌人,需要玩家时刻保持警惕!?东方玄幻的魅力!该游戏从新的角度重新演绎了韩国民间故事和历史记录中的妖怪,以优雅时尚的方式绘制了原创性十足的角色,其中的精彩故事更由专业声优全程配音。? 灵魂收集系统《食魂徒 ~群魔乱舞~》具有名为“灵魂收集”的独特系统,玩家可以在躲避敌人子弹时为其“灵魂计量表”充能。虽然很危险,但是玩家离子弹越近,计量表的充能速度就越快!另外,玩家还可以使用“闪避”来暂时躲避子弹,使敌人的攻击无效并通过射击获得高分!? 多种游戏模式!在街机模式中通关主线剧情,或者在Boss Rush模式(只会出现头目)中唯独挑战头目,亦或者游玩硬核模式;在该模式下,你会获得双倍的灵魂,但只有一条命。《食魂徒 ~群魔乱舞~》还有新的双重模式。这是一种讲究策略的单人游戏模式,你能在两个主角之间进行切换来见招拆招!此外,游戏还经过了重新设计,增加了新的可选功能,甚至还有新关卡!? 人物介绍 ?《 少女 》某一天,少女坠入了这个世界,完全失去了记忆,连自己姓甚名谁都想不起来。为了寻找自己的记忆、家乡和家人,她开始了与妖怪战斗的痛苦旅程。《 死神 》死亡的使者,必须面对怨魂变成的妖怪,履行所背负的职责。死神偶然发现了少女,便和她一起对战妖怪。※ 关于游戏上传及串流我们允许公司和个人对游戏进行串流媒体和视频上传,前提是在视频或视频描述中列出版权信息和游戏商店链接。请尽可能避免剧透。

《Prism Indigo DX》


Prism Indigo DX, the acclaimed retro bullet hell shooter, is now available on Steam! Blast your way through waves of Shades and face off against your former allies as you seek to unravel a sinister plot!Fight your friends to save your friendsThe Prism Warriors: seven magical heroines sworn to protect Earth from the evil Shadow Empire and its armies of Shades. But something has gone terribly wrong, and six of the seven Warriors have gone rogue, unleashing hordes of Shades upon Tokyo.You are Prism Indigo, the newest member of the Prism Warriors, and the only one unaffected. Battle your way through seven challenging levels in search of the truth behind the incident, fighting off the deadly Shades and saving your friends the only way a magical girl knows how: by blasting them in the face,Play your wayPrism Indigo DX offers a simple yet intricate gameplay experience, with numerous options to customize your difficulty. Collect the Cores dropped by defeated Shades, and spend them on extra lives or upgrades... or save them up to boost your score multiplier... or don't collect them at all, and fling them at Shades to "Core-Bomb" them for bonus points Your Burst Gauge increases your score multiplier as it fills. Use Bursts to clear the screen and deal massive damage, or keep the Gauge full for maximum points Activate cheats in the options menu to make the game easier... or, if you're feeling brave, turn on the special "Black Label" cheats for an extra challengeCollect 'em allPrism Indigo DX features plenty of things to unlock while you're blasting your way to a high-score: Challenge yourself with Hardcore mode, a punishing one-life gauntlet with cheats disabled; and Prism Hunter, a unique 'boss rush' mode where the roles are reversed Listen to the Prism Warriors' epic 8-bit themes in the Sound Test, and read up on their lore in the Compendium Prove your Prism Warrior credentials with over 30 in-game achievements

《Bullet Buddies》


Take your friend or foe on a short boss rush experience in this twin stick shooter!You must work together!In Bullet Buddies, you and your friend are tied together with a mystical force. Go to far from each other and suffer the chaotic consequences or stay close and reek the rewards.Fight away the bosses!You will have to fight away unique bosses that will try to bring you to the after life. Working together with your friend is a must in these epic and difficult bosses!Guns!!!Explore the vast collections of guns based on real life armories from around the world!

《Last Hope Bunker: Zombie Survival》







