
2024-09-15 06:59:29 神评论


《Shikhondo: Youkai Rampage》


? 游戏介绍 ?? 延续经典枪战游戏的传统!独特而迷人的主角,具有超凡设计的诸多头目,以及一波又一波的敌人,需要玩家时刻保持警惕!?东方玄幻的魅力!该游戏从新的角度重新演绎了韩国民间故事和历史记录中的妖怪,以优雅时尚的方式绘制了原创性十足的角色,其中的精彩故事更由专业声优全程配音。? 灵魂收集系统《食魂徒 ~群魔乱舞~》具有名为“灵魂收集”的独特系统,玩家可以在躲避敌人子弹时为其“灵魂计量表”充能。虽然很危险,但是玩家离子弹越近,计量表的充能速度就越快!另外,玩家还可以使用“闪避”来暂时躲避子弹,使敌人的攻击无效并通过射击获得高分!? 多种游戏模式!在街机模式中通关主线剧情,或者在Boss Rush模式(只会出现头目)中唯独挑战头目,亦或者游玩硬核模式;在该模式下,你会获得双倍的灵魂,但只有一条命。《食魂徒 ~群魔乱舞~》还有新的双重模式。这是一种讲究策略的单人游戏模式,你能在两个主角之间进行切换来见招拆招!此外,游戏还经过了重新设计,增加了新的可选功能,甚至还有新关卡!? 人物介绍 ?《 少女 》某一天,少女坠入了这个世界,完全失去了记忆,连自己姓甚名谁都想不起来。为了寻找自己的记忆、家乡和家人,她开始了与妖怪战斗的痛苦旅程。《 死神 》死亡的使者,必须面对怨魂变成的妖怪,履行所背负的职责。死神偶然发现了少女,便和她一起对战妖怪。※ 关于游戏上传及串流我们允许公司和个人对游戏进行串流媒体和视频上传,前提是在视频或视频描述中列出版权信息和游戏商店链接。请尽可能避免剧透。

《BUS: Bro u Survived》


BUS is a cooperative adventure through the apocalypse!Gather your friends, create unique characters and venture forth – The Island’s fate depends on you!COOPERATIVE GAME FOR 1-4 PLAYERSCohesion is key to success. Work together to overcome every challenge on your way. Fight off zombies while your friends fix the bus or haul another fridge.PHYSICAL WORLDYou can throw, haul, push and pull every piece of loot. Find creative solutions to interesting logistical issues, together. Take everything valuable and get it inside the bus.BUILD A SETTLEMENTYour home is your fortress! Over 50 unique buildings open new possibilities and expand your crew’s capabilities. Rescued characters will help you around the base.EQUIPMENTGrappling hook, piston boots, fire extinguisher machinegun! Create unique tools that will help you climb out of any trouble. We care about nature, that’s why our weaponry and tools are made from recycled scrap <3BUILD YOUR BUSRide the wind on the back of your trusty four-wheeled friend. Upgrade, tinker, improve and customize your transport. Install extra modules and weapons – turn your bus into a real mean fighting machine!https://store.steampowered.com/app/2852700/BUS_Bro_u_Survived/?beta=1

《Garden Of Coolembozo》


Something big is coming, Something in the garden...Garden Of Coolembozo is a top down shooter where you get to take control of Mr Hoopington. Mr Hoopington's rock is stolen and it is his job to deal with anyone who gets in the way of finding his rock. Act with remorse or dont and discover the mysteries that may lie in the garden (and other unspecified locations).you die in one hit like any normal person if they were shot, to counteract this you have a fully automatic gun that has infinite ammo and like god gamer that you are... you fail miserably to brandish it.BossesGarden of Coolembozo's main gameplay consists of fighting bosses, Each area has 3 bosses and 3 minigames such as fighting waves of enemies, running away from enemies, and securing artifacts that can aid Mr Hoopington on his journey through the vast world of The Garden. There is different ways the bosses can be beaten, Mr Hoopington can either shoot the bosses until death or find a way to save them in some way. Who knows, saving them could provide Mr Hoopington with abilities to aid him on his quest.The Big BadThe Big Bad also known as the Mimieker is the mastermind behind the operation, after spreading the Goop around the garden he infects many civilians with it. This causes them to go mad and attack Mr Hoopington.



巨熊、蜂群、仙人掌……多种召唤物将作为场上忠实的帮手辅助你的冒险之旅,更有效率地消灭敌人吧! 在挑战的过程中,你可以用各式技能尽情构筑属于自己的流派,无论是火、冰、陷阱、毒药,都能成为克敌制胜的手段。 化身多个职业的人物,用不同的打法与敌人对峙!卖血流or暴击流?道具特化or距离优势?根据每个职业的特性进行合理选择才能顽强存活! 每场战斗后都有意想不到的遗物来充实你的旅途,无论是提升自身属性还是呼唤更多更强的敌人,几百种遗物的选择都取决于你。 做好准备,你需要抵御不断来袭的敌人。战斗时间会逐渐增加,还有压迫感十足的精英怪会阻挡你的去路,每个关卡都是新的体验!



https://store.steampowered.com/app/2218400/_/ 《驱煞》是贪婪大地制作人老V与墨化共同推出的-UE5独立游戏创作者全流程孵化班中的课程案例,由于是课程案例,游戏体量稍小,游玩时间约为1-2小时,欢迎游玩体验! 玩家通过一次次的修炼升级让角色法术技能增强,即便身陷妖魔重围亦能无所畏惧,使用各种法术组合 提升实力斩妖前行。 法术技能丰富,一路升级斩妖 《驱煞》拥有丰富的技能法术系统,玩家在征途中需不断精进自身的法术修为,娴熟各种的符篆和法术,以更有效地对抗妖邪势力。通过一路升级斩妖,最终成为妖魔终结者。 体验刷怪快感,屠戮各类妖魔 基于UE5引擎的支持,《驱煞》可以承载大量妖魔。玩家每一次挥剑、每一次施法,都能够沉浸式地体验屠戮妖魔鬼怪的爽快感。 对游戏开发感兴趣? 加入我们一起学习游戏制作吧! 《驱煞》是贪婪大地制作人老V与墨化共同推出的-UE5独立游戏创作者全流程孵化班中的课程案例,由于是课程案例,游戏体量稍小,欢迎游玩体验! 在这次的课程里我们会通过教你一步步制作《驱煞》,从软件下载开始带你一步步解锁独立游戏的开发与上架。还有大额开发者扶持基金,让你的游戏突出重围!! 对游戏制作或游戏开发感兴趣?快来扫码了解吧!


