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《Three Skies》


Customize your Commander, collect and level over 60 unique heroes, and design the perfectly synergized dungeon exploring party to unravel the mystery of the Calamity and save the land of Baranor from a mysterious villain surfacing out of your past. Risk vs. reward dungeon dives: Face challenging strategic trade-offs with each journey into over 120 handcrafted dungeons. How much are you willing to risk to ensure victory? Recruit and optimize your party: Summon over 60 powerful heroes from across Baranor. Level, tier up, and customize each one... then mix and match them into unstoppable battle teams. Intense strategic combat: Battle against dangerous foes in a deep turn-based elemental combat system! Become a PVP Grandmaster: Defeat other Commanders in the PVP Arena to earn your way up through the Leagues!Explore over 80 hours of story driven content, with new side stories added every month.Want to wander off the beaten path? Treasure Hunts, Realms, Excavations, and Raids are just some of the additional quest modes you'll discover.During each tense dungeon dive, you'll have to carefully weigh the risk vs. reward payoffs when forming battle parties, managing supplies, choosing paths through the labyrinths, and devising battle tactics. Master all 14 elements and approach each challenge cleverly to reap the full rewards of your travels. To begin your journey in Baranor, you’ll create a fully customized Commander. During your travels, collect and recruit over 60 different heroes, each with fully customizable skills, talents, attributes, artifacts, and gear. Then make them unstoppable with multiple promotion options!Using the rarest materials collected from your enemies, upgrade your town to unlock the ability to craft legendary gear, and equip your heroes to mold them into the perfect team for executing your battle plans.Wage war against other Commanders in highly accessible PVP that rewards players across a variety of different modes. Exclusive: Only lowest rarity heroes are permitted. Limited: Only middle and lowest rarity heroes are permitted. Open: Battle with no restrictions. Random: Receive random combatants based on the heroes you have in your collection, each level scaling to be on par with other rare heroes.Climb the Leaderboards to reach the top of the Grandmaster League!



我们想要玩一款能战得过瘾、搭BD搭得过瘾的仙侠游戏,可市面上没有……于是尝试着做了这款《道衍诀》 190种灵法技能、200 种神通被动、300 种装备词条 构建属于你的最强流派 游荡道精、废弃阵法、天外秘境、道则秘境、数十座宗门与城市,等你发现与探索! 是探索收集、凝炼灵石以积累财富?还是炼丹炼器、修炼突破以强化自身?亦或是剿灭妖魔以战养战? 在寿命有限的情况下,你需要规划好每一季度的安排。 寿命不足,未能破境,会挂;成功突破,落下病根,会挂;死战获胜,根基破损,还会挂!仙途残酷,斟酌你的决策! 与预设或随机生成的各式NPC进行交互,你可以: ? 舔他们,交友互赠礼物、交流修道心得 ? 泡他们,做个海王(小心情敌!) ? 弄他们,偷、抢、杀、下毒后再杀(不怕举世皆敌的话) ? 同时,小心那些邪恶的NPC弄你! 妖族正在大举入侵!击败他们!反*妖界,灭其天道,据其位面!



崛起吧,伟大的君主,从漫长的沉睡中苏醒。一种可怕的疾病袭击了你的王国,夺走了人们的生命。土地已经枯萎,剩下的国民也抛弃了他们的家园,而由被感染灵魂的碎片所创造的怪物取而代之,吞噬了所有生灵。国王,是时候了,苏醒并统一四分五裂的土地,战胜黑暗,带领子民重返昔日的繁荣时代。王国的命运由你决定! 修复王国 通过收集资源、建造房屋和消灭敌人,解锁新能力,让普通百姓重回家园。国王真正的力量源自他的领土和子民——修复的东西越多,你就越强大。 驱逐阴影 消灭瘟疫生物,拯救国民于水火,清除腐烂的怪物,使这片荒芜之地重新焕发生机。磨练你的战斗技能,获取更强力的装备,去战胜强大的对手。 探索废墟中的世界 在这个精心打造且相互连接的世界中,穿越森林、沙漠、火山和其他生物群落。解开巧妙的谜题,发现隐藏的路径,穿越险恶的地形。路上充满了挑战,也充满了奇遇,这是一场值得真正国王踏上的旅程。

《Hero Tale》


FIGHT AND LOOTFind a best way to defeat each of enemies you meet on your road to becoming a hero. Watch dice roll when loot is about to drop, as each type show rarity of your reward.CHOOSE YOUR PATHGain experience to unlock unique abilities! Upgrade massive skill tree with almost 300 nodes. You want to regenerate faster than your enemies can hurt you? Strike them down before they can even reach you? Or maybe be so tough they barely can make a scrach on you? You decide how you want to progress!EXPLORE THE ISLANDExplore unique island set in medieval fantasy with beautifully hand painted backgrounds. Can't defeat enemies on one tile? Try different one to get around!MANAGE YOUR EQUIPEMENTUse loot that suits your fighting strategy the best. Decide which statistics will be your priority and which ones you will have to sacrifice for efficiency.TRAIN YOUR SKILLSTrain your skill with each hit dealt to enemies. Use meele weapons, ranged or magic to level up every skill to become faster and more powerful.DISCOVER NEW PERSPECTIVESGet to know the entire cast of characters, in story filled with humorous dialogues. Talk to them, help them with quests and they will help you to grow stronger.And when it looks like you are getting stuck, remember, practice makes perfect!MEET THE FAIRYWhen meeting the Fairy for the first time, she will lend you some of her powers, to help you on your way to become a Hero. All Houskeeper Fairy benefits are included in the purchase of the game. Housekeeper Fairy unlock includes: housekeeper Fairy Skin 50% More Experience Points Additional skill point to use in the skill tree Autoconsumable sliders for health and mana consumable items




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