
2024-09-14 01:38:40 神评论




https://store.steampowered.com/app/2812820/__Pape_Rangers/ 超爽快的割草体验,15分钟快节奏设计 面对蜂拥而至的怪物和满屏的子弹,享受肉鸽的乐趣和战斗的割草快感! 15分钟一局,随时放松,尽情舒缓压力和发泄 角色武器自由搭配,构建无限可能性 6个不同职业,4种武器随意搭配,可以构建出专属于你的职业派系 是要单一职业走向极致还是成为魔武双修的传奇 由你来决定! 多种构筑路线,发现隐藏职业 游戏每个流派都提供了完整的构筑路线 枪械精通→加农炮→炮手特训 勇者特训→魔剑士特训→水晶剑→元素水晶剑 而且每个构筑路线还有不同的分支和走向 自由调节难度,独特的怪物设计 每一关都能由玩家自由调节难度 独特而有趣的怪物设计,丰富战斗体验

《BUS: Bro u Survived》


BUS is a cooperative adventure through the apocalypse!Gather your friends, create unique characters and venture forth – The Island’s fate depends on you!COOPERATIVE GAME FOR 1-4 PLAYERSCohesion is key to success. Work together to overcome every challenge on your way. Fight off zombies while your friends fix the bus or haul another fridge.PHYSICAL WORLDYou can throw, haul, push and pull every piece of loot. Find creative solutions to interesting logistical issues, together. Take everything valuable and get it inside the bus.BUILD A SETTLEMENTYour home is your fortress! Over 50 unique buildings open new possibilities and expand your crew’s capabilities. Rescued characters will help you around the base.EQUIPMENTGrappling hook, piston boots, fire extinguisher machinegun! Create unique tools that will help you climb out of any trouble. We care about nature, that’s why our weaponry and tools are made from recycled scrap <3BUILD YOUR BUSRide the wind on the back of your trusty four-wheeled friend. Upgrade, tinker, improve and customize your transport. Install extra modules and weapons – turn your bus into a real mean fighting machine!https://store.steampowered.com/app/2852700/BUS_Bro_u_Survived/?beta=1

《Garden Of Coolembozo》


Something big is coming, Something in the garden...Garden Of Coolembozo is a top down shooter where you get to take control of Mr Hoopington. Mr Hoopington's rock is stolen and it is his job to deal with anyone who gets in the way of finding his rock. Act with remorse or dont and discover the mysteries that may lie in the garden (and other unspecified locations).you die in one hit like any normal person if they were shot, to counteract this you have a fully automatic gun that has infinite ammo and like god gamer that you are... you fail miserably to brandish it.BossesGarden of Coolembozo's main gameplay consists of fighting bosses, Each area has 3 bosses and 3 minigames such as fighting waves of enemies, running away from enemies, and securing artifacts that can aid Mr Hoopington on his journey through the vast world of The Garden. There is different ways the bosses can be beaten, Mr Hoopington can either shoot the bosses until death or find a way to save them in some way. Who knows, saving them could provide Mr Hoopington with abilities to aid him on his quest.The Big BadThe Big Bad also known as the Mimieker is the mastermind behind the operation, after spreading the Goop around the garden he infects many civilians with it. This causes them to go mad and attack Mr Hoopington.



巨熊、蜂群、仙人掌……多种召唤物将作为场上忠实的帮手辅助你的冒险之旅,更有效率地消灭敌人吧! 在挑战的过程中,你可以用各式技能尽情构筑属于自己的流派,无论是火、冰、陷阱、毒药,都能成为克敌制胜的手段。 化身多个职业的人物,用不同的打法与敌人对峙!卖血流or暴击流?道具特化or距离优势?根据每个职业的特性进行合理选择才能顽强存活! 每场战斗后都有意想不到的遗物来充实你的旅途,无论是提升自身属性还是呼唤更多更强的敌人,几百种遗物的选择都取决于你。 做好准备,你需要抵御不断来袭的敌人。战斗时间会逐渐增加,还有压迫感十足的精英怪会阻挡你的去路,每个关卡都是新的体验!



僵尸末日来临。瘟疫的源头是什么?谁是幕后黑手?谁是幕后黑手?感染途径又有哪些?僵尸瘟疫爆发后,这些问题都不重要了。人类一夜之间从食物链的顶端的霸主,沦为了最美味的猎物。加入 Survival Nation ,击退僵尸,延续人类最后的文明! 《Survival Nation:Lost Horizons》最主要是一款生存类角色扮演游戏。游戏不仅有完善的制作系统: 每位独特的生存者都能够培养出专属的技能和能力。这些生还者能应用的技能和能力,分遍于三个不同的技能树中:战斗、生存和耐力技能树。学习每项技能都有必须达成的需求。发挥最大潜能,在这崩坏的世界中生存下来:在废弃的建筑中寻找罐头食物、打猎捕鱼,或是尽力守护营地,以从菜园中采摘新鲜作物?没有了僵尸就称不上是僵尸末日。面对这些饥肠辘辘的僵尸大军,你的每项选择都至关紧要。 与生存伙伴同心协力力挽狂澜,合作击退猖狂的僵尸、保护避难所;若你想试试手气,可以嘗試主动进攻,拿下僵尸首领,有机会得到珍贵的战利品。但请注意,人心的险恶有时比僵尸更加恐怖。如果您喜欢在线游戏和多人游戏,《Survival Nation: Lost Horizon》将非常适合你。在PVE模式中,组队探险挑战末日世界生存,或加入残酷的PVP模式,与其他玩家一决高下,看看究竟谁能独占鳌头。喜欢单人游戏,不受其他玩家的干扰吗?玩家可以建立个人专属服务器,自由探索开放世界,以自己的步调体验《Survival Nation: Lost Horizon》!


