我的世界小说最新消息 我的世界小说封面曝光

2017-02-27 17:37:08 神评论

17173 新闻导语




Get a look at Max Brook's novel - Minecraft: The Island

看看Max Brook的小说——Minecraft: The Island

For once, you can judge a book by its cover - Minecraft: The Island is just as thrillingly vibrant as the art wrapped around it.

这次,你能从这本书的封面来判断这本书—— Minecraft: The Island 肯定和封面一样令人激动又充满艺术气息。

The novel in question is written by Max Brooks (who you may know as the author of the zombie-themed future-history, World War Z) and follows the survival efforts of a lone hero, stranded in a strange and perilous land. The cover, meanwhile, is the work of artist Ian Wilding, whose designs we wrote about only last week!

这部小说的作者是Max Brooks(你可能知道他的那部僵尸主题的故事,僵尸世界大战),这部小说延续了一个孤胆英雄努力生存下去的设定,被困在一个陌生又危险的岛屿。同时,封面是艺术家 Ian Wilding的作品,我们上周刚刚设计的!

Max Brooks has spoken about the book with Entertainment Weekly. Go and read the full thing here. Here's a snippet:

Max Brooks 已经在《娱乐周刊》谈到了这本书。点击这里阅读一篇完整的采访。这是一些片段:

"I already had a specific story I wanted to tell. Like we said, Minecraft speaks to different people in different ways, and this is how it spoke to me, specifically.

“我已经有了想讲述的一个故事。就像我说的那样,Minecraft 对于不同的人来说有不同的方法去解读,这就是我如何解读它的。”

"We need to be very clear: I’m not writing the Minecraft book. I’m writing a Minecraft book. If the folks from Halo called me to write the Halo book, I could do that, but you cannot write the Minecraft Book. [...]


"The premise is that this person wakes up in this world and knows that they are from our world, but doesn’t know who they are in that world. They have no memory. It is a story of survival: waking up at the bottom of the ocean, swimming to an island, and having to survive on that island. And the story is, before this person can answer the really big questions like, 'How did I get here? How do I get home?,' they have to solve the basic survival questions of 'How do I eat?' and 'How am I safe?' and 'Where do I sleep at night?'"


I can't wait to read the final draft. In the meantime, have a closer look at the lovely cover art! Ooh, aah, etc.




