1. 野蛮人:提升近战伤害和物理防护装备抗性。
2. 武行者:增强连击效果,提高破绽判定准确性。
3. 圣教军:提高治疗量和复活速度,使团队收益更大。
4. 猎魔人:增加远程攻击范围及暴击率,更适合远程射击。
5. 法师:加快施法速度和能量填充速率,增强爆发力。
6. 死灵法师:显著提升召唤生物效能,提升元素伤害抵抗。
一小段:《dark souls: eternal》Mech ring blueprint
“《 dark soul: eternal 》,” said the CEO, with a distant look.
undefined“A blue-print,” the assistant replied. She checked a list again and smiled, “yes,” pointing to the right column, next to the name.
I remember my days as a tester for Blizz.
There was excitement in just entering the virtual world — seeing old players as NPC characters again was great.
undefinedThe assistant continued typing on a phone while I was imagining playing in those lands now again after so many times lost, “But 1v1 isn't that popular anymore,” she added. “People just farm and repeat the runs every so often,” I thought. I was playing too many mobile MMORPGS that focus on repeat plays as farming methods, with very generic content — maybe Blizz can offer something better?
I had no chance — that game still stands above any other. But hey - the blue-print isn't worth very much since farming isn't really needed to finish those areas.
Or it could serve a purpose that even in the most generic games has been forgotten.
undefinedSure, they had to make an easier path for lowbie farmers but the harder ones are good.
For a company that's only tried to milk a product again and again – yes again, you can tell what I'm thinking by Blizz’s marketing of Warcraft Classic – and then again by not changing a word on all patches even if I was correct and someone pointed me out by using 50 lines with all the numbers at patch 13.50 , still had a bug - yes 30 plus since I tested the game, in a patch – yes with numbers but no fix.
I remember playing Warcraft for five times per week and not getting much done in a short period. Blizz was always pushing to change the landscape which didn't go very well with our playtime limits since we played for hours on end — if there are still any games like that today or those long-running MMORPGs, some sort of restrictions would have hurt that — but hey- it's fun! I like a good farming game (my latest one had very specific grinding quests designed as if you had one day to finish them. It even gave you a special map with the necessary locations so
undefinedall you needed was food and a tank - which was kind too).
But I want change - maybe Blizz will? Oh - my job would be testing games instead of doing actual analysis.
We were testing a lot at work until they decided we needed "quality-assurance."
undefinedBlizz didn't have it in the same sense of course (like people with money talking about 40k or similar – whoops - can’t think why this guy keeps ignoring patches). That's more
in terms of “what do players hate” than just a few hundred things.
They really did get better, though; it was clear that when they needed a patch to work on — for those times where people were
undefinedcomplain-y — they took every opportunity.
Quality assurance means someone watches you to make sure what you're pushing will actually solve user experience (I thought the patch fixing this would fix both parts at once for example, and it didn’t).
When we found 20 odd errors each week — well 24 was the average - usually on multiple things across a broad array of systems — when your own systems are being reviewed for bugs too then sometimes getting into a
undefinedcode audit isnī’t ideal. We'd have so many problems they often were fixed before launch. And you're not the person solving all of them (the person working on the particular code for whatever has to be fixed does the heavy 95 percent at first and you might contribute towards this with another piece
of software or do some testing)
You are usually involved later when something is reported incorrectly but doesn't affect a specific group - like an add error — or after many times where
undefinedthey’ve been working on 4 items related to player experience. Maybe 50 odd problems, each week too — I guess you have more than the average.
Quality assurance also seems kind of like people with no code
taking over but I’m not trying right now – yet… It’ll happen if it happens.
undefinedBlizz made more patches faster
- although not as frequent as the patch releases during my days; they did seem to try harder though — in their case,
people had 1 more hour instead of playing before being unable to because the game died – with no error messages,
undefinedwith just "it stopped working".
Some games seemed worse on patches – Blizz has done pretty well I
think especially. There could be problems because not just what you're working on might affect parts outside of
undefinedthem — people often don't even know those things exist. Sometimes, something as silly in a line of code can crash an engine though.
I havenīt written code much - mostly analysis. I thought this was just to go through the games and get to play them but you test quite
a bit as well as do what seems almost equivalent to QA.
undefinedAnalysis tends to be better if someone has played the game more — that usually happens in MMORPGs since there's not much that doesnīt change a lot.
The only problem with analysis is it means taking your job pretty soon - you might get
another chance after Blizz's team works on them for two patch cycles. Otherwise,
undefinedthey'll send them to developers or other interested parties so those people know what we were facing (if that’s not happening).
It seems a little like 70% code-20% actual gameplay; some companies will just let us do more though
— one with my last role had 50/50.
undefinedOne problem I remember is sometimes you can't change
too quickly until the testing changes happen and there're people 10 miles away from where everything else sits who know a bit about systems - and if two of 'em think something needs changing when it actually won‘īt—no luck on those occasions unless all 3 sit together
before they send their requests.
undefinedFor a company that just lets QA (and not just in games)
handle what feels like development, QA seems crucial - especially quality assurance. They get everything else too
(specifically code related) after people do their actual tasks.
undefinedIt seemed better than anything else I was doing while I had that role — you see some code often enough
In fact - that job didn't
start out with them but since we just needed someone who felt like a QA person we went in there from outside the company
undefinedwhich let me know what people feel about Blizz's QA division. Now, they've taken it completely external after we left – now
they all seem quite friendly here and really work well.
At some companies that would've taken too forever or maybe had to deal with people feeling unprepared after 6
undefinedmonths of working on one little thing at a certain rate (for what it seemed like)
It makes more sense to focus on the quality, especially where you’ve developed most all by code yourself – so a large and potentially influential division becomes separate yet still works pretty closely within a structure that can change quickly because many things in these situations might affect many
areas but if we don't get feedback then no one will know.
undefinedThe work I'm working on lately isn‘t exactly fun either – and Blizz makes it really seem like that
in reality when you actually do something there's
more joy from the job compared to when I played it for example - but maybe playing would be good.
undefinedBlizz didn’t treat us badly even with their patching process. One problem was I worked mostly outside of normal company hours, meaning if your phone had anything in the morning or evening then
nothing but 30 more bugs could wait until after midnight and it’s nice but a different situation – you could easily deal
with getting those back at some times instead.
undefinedIt can also be important to note that they didn‘īt have this big patching system though; just do your usual changes over many updates — the
update from version four (I think 12 patches) was the biggest since my start there 13 or eight before but that had lots
of issues due simply because not everyone is capable enough of updating for several weeks at a length.
undefinedThe game was popular on Android first in China. I remember it being like an absolute mess but
even more
complicated is a Chinese version where all the stuff seems like just right. A version
undefinedwhich was outed after four updates with about twelve
features which didn' t necessarily
all go through those same testing procedures even then - that's a good sign for stability for many applications
undefinedin Asia. Not everything needs or gets local languages – or
additional features; some may end by being the most stable in your markets without any translation - there just isnīt
much more than English anywhere.
undefinedI remember one place being called “The Chinese Division” but it seems like everyone was 10 miles
away so not only
was working well. They even had a division that specifically checked every update — and after about six
undefinedupdates (and with about ten in between the initial ones ) — some minor problems are handled and sometimes
they work their way upwards through different managers
if needed but they keep an eye on what new issues seem biggest - the ones people will react to - to fix
undefinedSo there's still pretty
good communication when problems crop up. That can also mean you have two sets of QA testers working on Chinese
And I believe it may be 10 different regions by then since many other servers are in
undefinedAsia which leads back onto our current situation at hand.
It’s more flexible working with that division than elsewhere within this kind - there's just something about being far away
That allows the structure to flow
undefinedin an informal way that suits what I want to have done. You would usually only get involved later after someone else has worked on fixing a major section and got those into live; however if you donīt get the change as quick as necessary or they want
a new solution
- especially given my background then sometimes a request is not an upgrade (which doesn‘īt make me less efficient), though
undefinedthe job was fun but one reason
for switching to this job last
month is getting rid of the idea of being far away even though I could be very happy staying with my other role - yet in Blizz you'd have to take on
undefinedThis felt more suitable for someone from a developer, testing group,
and so it does suit that kind of
person - they’ll definitely get their hands dirty sometimes. And if anything was actually fixed before
undefinedit affects users there should be a better outcome than
if something slipped through.
With regard to how much time I would spend dealing with each thing - sometimes just two hours (usually 20 for what it seems like is a big issue though) or it is several days/weeks. You'd think those big problems would take forever but that means they have a high
undefinedimportance if
something falls through and you find a massive issue where they do need those fixes now
with little work involved
undefinedother companies make it 30% 50%, sometimes higher though.
Another problem with having bugs
sometimes can get you labeled at the end of this period is
undefined- you want so much but the time actually available usually isn’t that significant, and since there's an incentive or pressure to find a
large amount (for many teams across an organization including themselves).
Another aspect would involve making an efficient path with everyone involved on 1000 plus issues. We're talking a
undefinedthousand not just those which have been
dealt with but also reported as yet.
It seems kind of obvious - getting rid of all problems is nearly useless or you could almost call people lazy
undefinedwithout being unkind (or simply call us
definitely worse). Maybe they should get into fixing everything and doing that at the end – then the job would definitely
Not every feature needed fixing right away — though, in testing there'd likely end up with fixing several things
undefinedbefore final release. I mean you need to ensure proper functionality even if
people do make the update - the problem is just they get
those much more slowly and the fixes would happen after.
undefinedThey usually did pretty well at getting things working properly because developers worked together; often that means working with several external studios now though.
One challenge could be that
they tend to come and go frequently (if their projects are similar) so even if you don‘īt fully
undefinedget involved, it seems possible there will end up
working on other systems - which doesní
always make sure anything goes out properly. Sometimes they
undefinedeven seemed
It felt like when it came down to developers working individually rather than the internal teams it wasnțт
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