玩家因游戏怀念亡父 顽皮狗写信寄礼物慰问
近日,在国外的社交新闻网站Reddit,一位名为“Deadmanx132489”的玩家分享了他与逝去的父亲之间因为游戏《最后生还者(The Last of Us)》而发生的感人故事,而当他向游戏制作方顽皮狗写了感谢信之后,竟意外地收到了其回信和礼物。
“Deadmanx132489”的父亲在4个月前逝世了,他回忆道:“在成长过程中,我们,每晚都会快乐地一起玩《Crash Team Racing》;而当父亲的身体每况愈下时,我们还是会轮流玩《最后生还者》”。在父亲逝世后,“Deadmanx132489”就向顽皮狗寄去了一封感谢信,感谢他们制作的游戏为玩家们带来了的欢乐时光。
Thank you so much for writing to us and sharing your story. I can’t begin to tell you how much it touched our hearts here at Naughty Dog. And knowing how involved our games were with you and your father is amazing to hear.
Stories like yours are the reason why we work so hard to make great games, and reading that The Last of Us changed your life is inspiring. When I read that you felt you were with your father again while playing it, it nearly drove me to tears. I can’t imagine the pain you went through these last several months, but I’m touched that we’ve been able to help you get through it.
Please enjoy these items being sent over for you. We hope you like them and hope your continued support of our games carries on. When you receive this, please send me an email with your shirt size, I’d love to send some shirts. Thank you again for writing in ____ you’re a true inspiration for all of us!
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