专访暴雪:虚空之遗爆料 凯瑞甘命运已被注定
17173:Apart from new ones, will the characters such as Nova and Tychus that players are familiar with appear in Starcraft II: Legacy of the void?
Blizzard:Tychus and Nova do not appear in Legacy of the Void, but you will see Kerrigan, Raynor, Valerian, Horner, Zagara, and a few other familiar faces again. Maybe even some you aren't suspecting!
17173:Lots of foreshadowings were planted in the previous plot, such as Xel'Naga appearance in StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. Will there be any foreshadowing planted in Starcraft II: Legacy of the void for the following Starcraft series like Starcraft III?
Blizzard:The Xel'naga plotline comes to the forefront in Legacy of the Void, as we explore the tremendous repercussions it has for our three main races. We haven’t announced any plans for the future, but there are clearly lots of untold stories that could be explored in the StarCraft universe. The world at large will still be progressing, and we will touch on some of that just before the credits roll.
17173:A faction called UED (United Earth Directorate) once appeared in the previous Starcraft game, and Alexei Stukov from this very faction appeared in StarCraft II: Heart of the swarm. Will there be more appearance of this faction in Starcraft II: Legacy of the void? Or will it become a foreshadow for the following Starcraft series?
Blizzard:You haven't seen the last of Stukov, though he no longer serves the UED. He has his own motivations at this time for Legacy of the Void. The UED itself remains mysterious and withdrawn... for now.
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