腾讯收购游戏工具站ZAM 尽得WOW等网游插件

2012-02-29 15:12:13 神评论


2月29日消息 今日国外著名游戏资讯和工具网站ZAM在其官方网站发布消息宣布,其公司已经被中国互联网公司腾讯科技收购(注:这个ZAM不是指《魔兽世界》的副本“祖阿曼”),ZAM公司是著名WOW数据库和插件网站wowhead的母公司。









“魔兽”大限将至 暴雪网易两公司再博弈>>


Today is a really exciting day for ZAM. I’m thrilled to announce that ZAM has been acquired by Tencent, one of the biggest Internet communications, content and gaming companies in the world.

So what does this mean? First of all, we’re not planning on changing one thing here - except getting better - you’ll see more sites, better tools, and an overall better experience. The entire staff you know and love from your favorite sites will continue to run them, and stay true to our community and what we’ve built up over the years.

ZAM, after the change of ownership, is going to operate independently while backed by one of the world’s largest Internet companies to grow our sites in ways we could never have imagined before.

I wanted to post this to let you all know what was going on. Our focus is entirely on our sites so we’re not making a big deal about this with interviews and press releases – it’s business as usual for us, just with a bit of excitement!

I’ve been at ZAM now for nearly 6 years and I can’t wait to see what we can achieve in 6 more years when I look back.

As always, if you have suggestions please don’t hesitate to let us know. We listen to everyone and value every suggestion or comment – you all are who make these sites great and we will never forget that.




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