Supercell CEO:翻篇了,我们和腾讯在一起了
17173 新闻导语
在腾讯公告发布后不到半小时,Supercell公司CEO IlkkaPaananen在其官网发布了一份轻松俏皮的致玩家信,解释了收购的经过,以及选择腾讯合作的原因。他在信中很高兴地表示,“Supercell接下来仍将继续独立营运”,期待“迎接Supercell的新篇章”。
以下为Supercell CEO致玩家信原文中英对照:
Hey Everyone,
I wanted to write a quick post to announce the world's worst kept secret :) Yes...Tencent, the world's biggest games company, has taken a lead to purchase SoftBank's investment in Supercell and will be our new strategic partner.
There have been a lot of rumors in the media about this in the past month, so I wanted to use this opportunity to tell you what happened, why and what makes me so excited about it.
Some background first. A while back, Masa (the founder of SoftBank, and our Chairman) told me that if we were able to find a new partner, he would like to sell SoftBank's shares in Supercell to finance what he called SoftBank's 2.0 transformation strategy.
This meant we at Supercell needed to think hard and do some soul-searching. What is it really that we want to accomplish with Supercell? What is it that we value in a partner? It may sound funny, but when we finally got our thoughts together, the choice was actually surprisingly easy. Let me explain why.
For us, today is all about chasing a future for Supercell that we have always dreamed of. We founded this company to make great games that people all over the world would play for decades. We have been very lucky as over the past six years we've released four top games that are now played by over 100 million people every single day (you may have seen our little celebration here). But more than this, we dream of our current and future games becoming a part of the rich history of games, living onto the very long term. And if you take this very long-term view, you quickly realize that we are still at the beginning of what will hopefully be a very long journey.
As we started to spend more time getting to know potential strategic partners, it became apparent to us that a partnership with Tencent would secure everything that has made Supercell a success, while also enabling us to take a few pretty big leaps on this journey I mentioned above. Here's why:
对我们来说,今天是为了追寻 supercell的未来,那个我们一直梦寐以求的未来。我们创立了这家公司就是为了给全世界的创造可以玩几代人的游戏。我们非常幸运,在过去六年中我们已经制作了四款顶级游戏,每天有超过一亿玩家在玩它们(你能感受到我们这里的小小自豪)。我们梦想,梦想着我们现在和未来所制作的游戏,可以成为游戏浩瀚历史的一部分,并长盛于此。而如果把眼光放得足够长远的话,您可以很快发现我们仅仅是在万里长征第一步。
First, we have agreed with Tencent that Supercell will continue to be operationally independent, exactly as it was under SoftBank's ownership. They understand that our unique culture of small and independent teams (or "cells" as we call them) is what makes Supercell. We want Supercell to continue to be the world's best place for creative people to create games. Also, our headquarters will stay in Helsinki and we will pay our taxes in Finland. All of this is very important for us.
Second, China is home to more gamers than any other country. Tencent's platforms reach around a billion users (yes, a billion!). And, they have around 300 million unique users playing games on their platforms. What this means for us is that together with Tencent, we can bring our games to so many more players. Also, their social platforms offer many new possibilities for our games, particularly for social play. All of this is very exciting!
Third, Tencent's people seem to love games as much as we do. In fact, in one of my meetings with Martin (their President), he had just dropped out from Clash Royale global top-100 players, and it was almost impossible to get his focus back to the topics we had to discuss… talk about being passionate about games! J On a more serious note, Tencent has built a hugely successful partnership with Riot Games, a team we greatly admire and that has inspired us over the years in so many ways. Now we'll have an excuse to call Riot and talk shop more often!
第三,腾讯人和我们一样热爱游戏。实际上,在我和Martin(腾讯总裁刘炽平)会面期间,他在《皇室战争》当中的排名因此掉出了全球前100名,他期间还因此在开会时走神,忘了我们讨论的话题…但讨论游戏的时候非常有热情。再者,认真的说,腾讯与拳头公司(Riot Games)的合作已经获得巨大的成功,而这家我们一直敬仰的公司已然在各方各面给我们带来很多启发。现在,我们终于有借口经常和拳头公司联系并好好聊聊游戏这个老本行了。
And fourth, this deal enables us to keep Supercell privately held. That is a better match with our small size and unique culture than being a public company where our concern would be the pressure from financial markets to think short term. However, while enabling us to stay private, the partnership with Tencent provides us with some of the benefits of being public: as part of this transaction, our employees will be able to sell their shares in Supercell over time (everyone at Supercell is an owner). The total equity value of $10.2 billion dollars also recognizes the value of the phenomenal company that our people have built.
Finally, I would like to thank a few people (because I am Finnish I will keep this short :)
First of all, a huge thank you to all the players whose passion for our games both inspires and humbles us. It is because of you we come to work excited every day! We feel so grateful to all of you!
最后,我想感谢一些人(作为芬兰人, 我就长话短说了)
Also, I want to personally thank Masa, the founder of SoftBank, for his support during the time I had the honor of working with him. He truly is an incredible entrepreneur, and I learned enormously from him during our time together. Luckily, as Masa said to me, our business partnership may end due to changing strategies, but our friendship will stay forever.
And, of course, thank you to my fellow Supercellians, all 190 of them. It really is incredible to work alongside people who work so hard to provide our players with the best possible experience, every single day. I feel so proud and lucky for the opportunity to be part of this incredible team.
Perhaps this post was not so short after all :) Anyway, here's to the next chapter! I have worked in games for 16 years now and I have never been more excited.